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Get total war rome 2 for free mac

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Gfx_tree_quality 1 # gfx_tree_quality, Set tree quality. Gfx_shadow_quality 1 # gfx_shadow_quality, Set shadow quality. Gfx_water_quality 1 # gfx_water_quality, Set the quality of water. Gfx_building_quality 1 # gfx_building_quality, Set the quality of buildings. Gfx_unit_quality 1 # gfx_unit_quality, Set the quality of units. Gfx_sky_quality 1 # gfx_sky_quality, Set the quality of sky. Gfx_direct_resource_access false # gfx_direct_resource_access, Enable Direct Resource Access # Gfx_gpu_select 0 # gfx_gpu, Select gpu on a multi-gpu config, 0 = first gpu, 1 = second gpu. Gfx_alpha_blend 0 # gfx_alpha_blend, Set the alpha blending quality, 0 - alpha test, 1 - standard OIT, 2 - Intel accelerated AOIT # Gfx_tesselation false # gfx_tesselation, Enable tesselation # Gfx_unlimited_video_memory false # gfx_unlimited_video_memory, Enable unlimited video memory allocation # Gfx_depth_of_field 1 # gfx_depth_of_field, Set depth of field quality 0 - off, 2 - high # Gfx_distortion false # gfx_distortion, Enable Distortion Effect buffer #

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Gfx_ssao false # gfx_ssao, Enable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion buffer # Gfx_device_type 1 # gfx_device_type, Set device type, 0-D3D9, 1-D3D11, 2-G元 # Gfx_texture_quality 1 # gfx_texture_quality, Set the quality of textures. Gfx_texture_filtering 0 # gfx_texture_filtering, Set texture filtering, 0-trilinear, 4- anisotropic 16x # Gfx_aa 0 # gfx_aa, Set antialiasing, 0-no, 1 = MLAA # Gfx_shadermodel 0 # gfx_shadermodel, Set shader model, 0-SM3, 1-SM4, 2=SM4.1, 3=SM5 # Gfx_hdr 0 # gfx_hdr, Set high dynamic range rendering quality #

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Gfx_vsync false # gfx_vsync, vertical synchronization #Įxplicit_thread_affinity true # explicit_thread_affinity, Enable thread affinity #Įnable_steam_update_thread true # enable_steam_update_thread, Enable Steam Update Thread # Gfx_fullscreen true # gfx_fullscreen, Run the application in fullscreen or not # Gfx_video_memory 0 # gfx_video_memory, Override available video memory (bytes) # Gfx_first_run false # gfx_first_run, First time application run # Unit_test false # unit_test, unit test (for daily build) # Vfs_log_level 0 # vfs_log_level, 0 - off, 1 - mod-user, 2 - dev # Y_res 1440 # y_res, Fixed window height # X_res 2560 # x_res, Fixed window width # Write_preferences_at_exit true # write_preferences_at_exit, Write preferences at exit #Īpp_multirun false # app_multirun, Allow multiple instances of the application #

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